Earth Explorer 3D Map 1.1
We are thrilled to release 1.1 of Earth Explorer 3D Map
Upcoming Event Tech Maven Geospatial Speack at GEOINT SYMPOSIUM in St Louis Missouri
We are thrilled to release 1.1 of Earth Explorer 3D Map
Geo Data Collector iOS has officially launched on July 27, 2022!
We’ve been working extremely hard on this app for several years
We’ve got a big ambitious roadmap and we know field workers/surveyors will love this app
It really streamlines workflows and makes it easy to collect data and share collected data
We are excited to be launching in November 2021
GEOINT Apps Update
as of March 2021 the Department of Defense removed Tech Maven Geospatial from the NGA GEOINT App Store
for November/December 2021 we will be launching on Commercial App Stores – Apple App Store and Google Play Store
GEOINT Data Explorer iOS
GeoNames Map Explorer iOS
1.0 Apple App Store launches of these apps previously on the GEOINT App Store
Tech Maven Geospatial has decided to offer our apps for free for a few months to solicit feedback, get reviews and ratings and build a good community around our products.
We are NOT advertising or selling data or performing any tracking
The next versions of our apps will include free trial and then in-app purchase to unlock the app and also in-app purchases for unlocking additional capabilities and data
We are kindly asking that you please take the opportunity to leave a review and send your comments/suggestions/feedback to feedback at