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Vector Tiles to Raster Tiles Desktop App

Vector Tiles to Raster Tiles Desktop App

Vector Tiles to Raster Tiles

Desktop App 

(Windows, Linux, and MacOSX)

App Information:

Converts PBF Vector Tiles URL (this can come from the internet or from Geo Data Server https://geodataserver.techmaven.net/ ) with Stylesheet to PNG Raster Tiles (Folder of XYZ or MBTILES SQLite)

Define your area of interest (BBOX/BOUNDS) and your Min and Max Zoom Level Range

Works as a background process – enables multiple jobs to run simultaneously.

Works with basemap vector tiles data from multiple providers:

  • Tech Maven Geospatial OSM Vector Tiles and styles
  • MapTiler Data 
  • MapBox
  • ESRI
  • HERE Maps

Supports Overlays Vector Tiles

Supports styles with multiple sources (topo/terrain style with contour lines and hillshade or satellite hybrid style or other combination of data)

Vector to Raster Downloading

View Folder WebBrowser

Why is this valuable?

Worldwide OSM Vector Tiles is about 80 GB however many mapping applications don’t support vector tiles or complex vector tiles. This allows you to pre-cache an area of interest such as Raster Tiles.  

Users of apps like ATAK, WINTAK, iTAK, and MCH can now have data they can consume.

Users of On-Premises or Edge Mapping /Common Operating Picture Solutions can now have rich basemap data available.

Map Discovery Windows

New Windows Advanced Mapping App Map Discovery

It’s the perfect app for your Vehicle/Rig mounted computer or laptop. Easy to use – rapidly consume and connect to online and offline data via Catalog (JSON) data loading. Supports full advanced editing and data creation offline via GeoJSON and Online/Connected with OGC WFS-T (and coming soon ESRI GeoServices REST API FeatureServer ). It’s got User Links feature for web pages that you may need to access resizable windows (json configuration of web pages) . Supports Attribute table with search.

This is a powerful feature rich app ready for real work!

Windows Tile Server

Windows Tile Server

Windows Desktop Application with installer for easily configuring a machine as a tile server for on the same machine access or access to data across a local network.With advanced feature vector tiles2 raster tiles and advanced mapviewer.


Serves MBTILES Raster Tiles

Serves MBTILES Vector Tiles

Serves GPKG Raster Tiles

Serves OpenMap Tiles OpenStreetMap Vector Tiles as Raster Tiles

Tile URL’s available as Standard XYZ  or OGC WMTS

Discover Webpage endpoint

Services JSON response endpoint

get capabilities WMTS endpoint

Advanced MapViewer endpoint

Static file hosting/serving


more information can be found at:


Windows Data Tester App

Windows Data Tester App

Tech Maven Geospatial, LLC is proud to announce our new Map Data Tester/Explorer Desktop App.

It’s a Windows 10 UWP app based on ESRI ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET C#

Load local Raster and Vector Data

TPK – Raster Tile Package

VTPK – Vector Tile Package

GPKG – OGC GeoPackage Raster Tiles and Vector Features

TIF, SID, JP2 Raster Imagery

Load Tile Server URL’s

Raster Tiles

ESRI Vector Tiles with Style

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