Jordan Bess owner of Tech Maven Geospatial will be presenting
Modern Geospatial architectures in the Cloud
Tuesday, April 26th from 7:30-8:30 am MT in Willow Lake 1-2.
Users will understand the new modern paradigm of functional serverless computing, managed databases and scalable ETL processes and being able to construct solutions powered by FOSS4G technologies |
Users will get an introduction into AWS GovCloud Storing Geospatial and Attribute data in RDS Aurora PostgreSQL/PostGIS and Open Source Package KOOPJS and/or CrunchyData’s PG_TileServ and PG_FeatureServ to deliver dynamic PBF Vector Tiles and Query Searchable Endpoints that also return JSON/GeoJSON/GML (GeoServices REST API/FeatureServer and OGC API Features) from the database. Setting up Lambda Functions (Serverless computing) for working with the database and the data API, working with GDAL/OGR and python packages for geospatial ETL operations Delivering Common Operating Picture (COP) Geospatial Map/Dashboards using MapBox GL JS and Terriajs with catalog based data loading. Setting up serverless functions for working with Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) and delivering as XYZ/WMTS Tiles to map clients and searching on this data with STAC – Spatial Temporal Asset Catalog Delivering LowCode full CRUD applications with the spatial editing/geometry updating |