Upcoming Event Tech Maven Geospatial Speack at GEOINT SYMPOSIUM in St Louis Missouri

FOSS4G Presentation Proposal: Using WebAssembly packages to deliver stand-alone GIS Web Apps

FOSS4G NA 2024

FOSS4G NA Presentation Proposal: Using WebAssembly packages to deliver stand-alone GIS Web Apps

Thank you for submitting your presentation proposal titled “Using WebAssembly packages to deliver stand-alone GIS Web Apps” for this year’s FOSS4G NA 2024. We will notify the primary contact once we have had time to consider all proposals, but until then you can see and edit your proposal at

Thank you again and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

FOSS4G NA 2024 Program Committee

Full proposal content:

Proposal title: Using WebAssembly packages to deliver stand-alone GIS Web Apps

Abstract: Using Geospatial Web Assembly packages, javascript packages and modern progressive web app methods to deliver immersive rich data visualization, analysis, data conversion and data serving applications that can run in the browser/static hosting and be stand-alone.

Description: Feature rich interactive Web GIS solutions stand-alone deployable applications to Static hosting ( AZURE Blob Storage or S3 Bucket or GC Storage or github /gitlab pages) no server-side code.

Building interactive mapping and dashboard applications (potentially using PWA progressive web app architecture service worker and ability to be mobile friendly) powered by opensource JavaScript/TypeScript and WebAssembly packages and mapping and charting libraries.

Powered by:

DUCKDB WASM with it’s Spatial Extension, Httpfs extension,iceberg extension, postgres/mysql/odbc scanner, sqlite scanner, JSON, AWS other extensions. (we don’t need to use duckdb format or even parquet/geoparquet spatial extension allows any OGR format to be queried)

Spatialite SPL.JS WASM – (spatialite can work with GPKG vector features, Spatialite, Shapefile, GeoJSON, KML/KMZ, GPX, CSV/TSV, Excel, OGC WFS and ESRI FeatureServer as WFS)

GDAL3.JS WASM – using this to process user data into optimized formats compatible with the application – take an ESRI FileGDB, PersonalGDB, Mapinfo, Shapefile, other format and convert to GPKG, GeoJSON, PMTILES Vector tiles or GeoParquet. Convert Raster formats (small) to Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF.

Serving Map Tiles via PMTILES – Vector Tiles, Raster Tiles, Terrain-Elevation Tiles (heightmap RGB PNG encoded Mapzen or Mapbox Terrain-RGB compatible)

Viewing COG GeoTIFF via a Cloud Hosted COG Tile Server from Radiant Earth and delivering the data as dynamic XYZ Raster Tiles

Supporting OGC GPKG data via NGA GeoPackage-JS –rending big geospatial data (points, lines and polygons) as dynamic raster tiles.

For offering in-browser data conversion, spatial analysis, spatial searching, spatial functions and delivering optimized query results to map view and dashboard view.

Show attribute grid/table with filters

Using MapLibre GL JS (fork of MapBox GL JS) (however this could apply to Leaflet, OpenLayers, Terriajs, ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript, DeckGL, Cesium)

Using Apache Echarts for the Business Intelligence Dashboard Widgets, charts and guages

This solution will allow connecting to both data hosted in Data Lakes and databases/data warehouses that are cloud accessible. (Postgres, MySQL, ODBC and even SQLite)

Rasters in GeoParquet/Parquet and leverage Duckdb WASM to perform analysis

Language: en

FOSS4G NA 2024 – Presentation Open Data Discovery and Viewing in Terriajs

FOSS4G NA 2024

FOSS4G NA Presentation Proposal: Open Data Discovery and Viewing in Terriajs

Thank you for submitting your presentation proposal titled “Open Data Discovery and Viewing in Terriajs” for this year’s FOSS4G NA 2024. We will notify the primary contact once we have had time to consider all proposals, but until then you can see and edit your proposal at

Thank you again and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

FOSS4G NA 2024 Program Committee

Full proposal content:

Proposal title: Open Data Discovery and Viewing in Terriajs

Abstract: Build an open data searchable application and mapping/data visualization system with TERRIAJS ingest in OpenData Catalog formats and Mapping Service URL’s in a discoverable application. connecting to many OpenData Protocols

Description: Many organizations and governments publish open data catalogs but many people still struggle on how to integrate this into their applications and workflows Terriajs catalog capability offers a great way to connect to these services CSW-catalog service for the web, CKAN, SOCRATA, SDMX, THREDDS- Thematic Real-time Environmental Distributed Data Services, MAGDA, OpenDataSoft, ESRI ArcGIS REST Services Directory, ESRI ArcGIS Portal Folder and Others (Terriajs does not do STAC-Spatial Temporal Asset Catalog or OGC API Records)
Terriajs supports nearly all ESRI and OGC Mapping Services and Tile Layers so adding layers to the map is easy as well as file based formats like GeoJSON, KML, GPX, CSV/TSV. The speaker will demonstrate some python scripts and a web application to build INIT/JSON Catalogs to load into terriajs.

Language: en

Participation in the OGC GPKG Vector Tiles RBT Basemap Code Sprint and Engineering Report

Tech Maven Geospatial is participating in the Releasable Basemap Tiles GeoPackage

We were asked to participate by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and the US Army Geospatial Center

the goal is to develop a draft specification for the NSG VTIS Volume 2: Basemap Tile Packages (BTP), which stores Mapbox Vector Tiles (MVTs) in a GeoPackage in the World Mercator Projection (EPSG:3395).

We have Ready to Go Solutions that support GeoPackage!

Serve Geospatial Data in GPKG GeoPackage as Mapping Services (XYZ, TMS, WMTS and OGC API Features)

  • Geo Data Server – Windows
  • Portable Tile Server – Android

Create GPKG

  • Map Tiling App
  • Offline Map Data Generator

Convert Map Tiles  – TIle Utilities

Clip area of Interest/Operation – Tile Utilities

View GeoPackage Data

  • Map Discovery iOS and Android and WIndows
  • Map Data Explorer iOS and Android
  • Earth Explorer 3D Map IOS and Android
  • GeoNames Map Explorer iOS
  • Geo Data Collector iOS

Tile Conversion API that supports GPKG Vector Tiles

We’ve open sourced a python script to build GPKG Vector Tiles from folder of tiles or mbtiles

participated in OGC Code Sprint Tiling Interfaces and GeoPackage Extensions

Jordan Bess participated in OGC Code Sprint for Tiling Interfaces and GeoPackage Extensions 

Tech Maven Geospatial products are being updated to support OGC GPKG GeoPackage with Vector Tiles inside based on the new proposed extensions

The 2023 OGC Tiling Interfaces Code Sprint – How it went!







Optional reference attributes stored in regular attribute table

Gpkgext_relations extensions/4-vtae.adoc · master · Image Matters LLC / ogc-vtp2 · GitLab









Tech Maven Geospatial is exhibiting at GEOINT SYMPOSIUM 2023

Tech Maven Geospatial is exhibiting at GEOINT SYMPOSIUM 2023


Exhibiting at GEOINT SYMPOSIUM in St Louis Missouri USA in May 21-24

Tech Maven Geospatial is exhibiting at GEOINT SYMPOSIUM 2023

Monday, May 21 to Wednesday, May 24 Booth 1934 

Use the link(s) below to share your booth location(s) with attendees:

The owner /Sr. Geospatial Data Engineer and Chief Software Solutions Architect will be presenting/speaking at USGIF GEOINT SYMPOSIUM

Monday, May 22nd from 7:30-8:30 AM CT.

“3D Geospatial Data Visualization”



Tech Maven Geospatial will be available for demos and deep dive into our solutions and collaborations


contact us at maps@techmaven.net at 754-333-1650

Get Ready for GEOINT SYMPOSIUM 2023

Get Ready for GEOINT SYMPOSIUM 2023


Exhibiting at GEOINT SYMPOSIUM in St Louis Missouri USA in May 21-24

Exhibitor Booth # 1934

The owner /Sr. Geospatial Data Engineer and Chief Software Solutions Architect will be presenting/speaking at USGIF GEOINT SYMPOSIUM


Monday, May 22nd from 7:30-8:30 AM CT.

“3D Geospatial Data Visualization”


Tech Maven Geospatial will be available for demos and deep dive into our solutions and collaborations

contact us at maps@techmaven.net at 754-333-1650

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