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(Map Tiles format – Vector Tiles, Raster Tiles, Terrain-Elevation Tiles)

Map Tiling app  – Convert GeoTIFF Raster to Raster PMTILES, Converts GIS Vector Data into PMTILES Vector Tiles https://maptiling.techmaven.net/

Tile Utilities App  Convert MBTILES or GPKG to PMTILES or Folder of Tiles to PMTILES  https://portfolio.techmaven.net/apps/tile-utilities/

Map Data Explorer iOS and Android  powered by MapBox works offline with local PMTILES   https://mapexplorer.techmaven.net


PMTiles is a single-file archive format for pyramids of tiled data. A PMTiles archive can be hosted on a storage platform like S3, and enables low-cost, zero-maintenance map applications.


  • PMTiles is a general format for tiled data addressed by Z/X/Y coordinates. This can be cartographic basemap vector tiles, remote sensing observations, JPEG images, or more.
  • PMTiles readers use HTTP Range Requests to fetch only the relevant tile or metadata inside a PMTiles archive on-demand.
  • The arrangement of tiles and directories is designed to minimize the amount of overhead requests when panning and zooming.

The current specification version of PMTiles is version 3, which you can read on GitHub.

We will be expanding PMTILES support in our solutions expect more of our apps to support PMTILES.

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