Tech Maven Geospatial is participating in the Releasable Basemap Tiles GeoPackage
We were asked to participate by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and the US Army Geospatial Center
the goal is to develop a draft specification for the NSG VTIS Volume 2: Basemap Tile Packages (BTP), which stores Mapbox Vector Tiles (MVTs) in a GeoPackage in the World Mercator Projection (EPSG:3395).
We have Ready to Go Solutions that support GeoPackage!
Serve Geospatial Data in GPKG GeoPackage as Mapping Services (XYZ, TMS, WMTS and OGC API Features)
- Geo Data Server – Windows
- Portable Tile Server – Android
Create GPKG
- Map Tiling App
- Offline Map Data Generator
Convert Map Tiles – TIle Utilities
Clip area of Interest/Operation – Tile Utilities
View GeoPackage Data
- Map Discovery iOS and Android and WIndows
- Map Data Explorer iOS and Android
- Earth Explorer 3D Map IOS and Android
- GeoNames Map Explorer iOS
- Geo Data Collector iOS
Tile Conversion API that supports GPKG Vector Tiles
We’ve open sourced a python script to build GPKG Vector Tiles from folder of tiles or mbtiles